Monday, October 25, 2010

Red Ribbon Week was a Success!

It was great to see the student's excitement as they dressed up each day for Red Ribbon Week.  There was a lot of participation and it was a lot of fun.  As the students went to the assembly on Friday the halls and then the bleachers were filled with red.  It looked wonderful.  Thanks to all those who donated coats in our efforts to "Put drugs out in the cold."  Below are a few highlights from the assembly on Friday.

THANK YOU to Celeste Robinson, Jessica Woodland and their committeefor a great and successful Red Ribbon Week!

Student Body Officers put on a skit for the students at the assembly.
They did awesome!
Ashley Yates and Cameron Robinson (two Juab High School students) talked to the kids about being drug free and saying "NO!" to drugs.

Officer Davidson and his drug dog.
They showed us what the dog can do and how he protects Officer Davidson.
Officer Davidson then answered questions from the students.