Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Million Minutes and Three Thousand Books

That is our goal for our Reading Inspirations Program this year.  As a team (school) we are working to collectively read 1,000,000 minutes.  As we read we will earn books that will be sent to Africa.  If we read the 1,000,000 minutes, 3,000 books will be earned.  If we read more, more books will be earned and sent to Africa. We would like to thank World Wide Book Drive for partnering with us and donating the books to send.   We want to instill in the children a love for reading.  Each student received a book of their very own from Worldwide Book Drive as part of our Reading Inspirations kickoff.   We hope parents will support their children as they work to achieve this goal of 1,000,000 minutes and 3,000 books.  You are also a part of our team and working together we will succeed.