Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fundraiser--once again our students work as a team and soar to success!

The orders have been sent and the money counted.  The Red Cliffs Eagles earned almost $12,300.  That is amazing.  We receive 50% of that profit.  The money we get will go to pay for the student's yearly school supplies (notebooks, pencils, crayons, glue etc..),  the class fieldtrips taken each year, and the publications used within the classroom (national geographic, scholastic news, etc.).  Thanks for all your hard work students, parents and teachers.  Working together we definitely soared to success!

REMINDER:  Cookie dough will be delivered to each child's classroom on Tuesday, March 15.  If your child has more than two tubs of cookie dough to carry, PLEASE plan on picking them up that day to help carry it.  Also try to deliver it that day or put it in the freezer.  THANK YOU.