Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Highlights from the Eagle Fun Run

Thanks so much to Kimm Lainhart and Leslie Greenhalgh for making this happen.  The weather cooperated and it was a fun day and successful day.  All proceeds from the event will go to support the music program at our school.  If you would still like to donate you can turn your donation in at the office.  Checks payable to RCE PTO.  Thanks for your support.

Below are pictures and highlights from the day. 

The day began with the ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the fitness path.  The path was made possible by a donation from Ash Grove Cement.  Two representatives from Ash Grove, two school board members, our Superintendent, and Mrs. Ware participated in the ribbon cutting.  Members of the Red Cliffs Elementary Student Council were also there.

 Each student at Red Cliffs signed their name on this sign to say Thank You  to Ash Grove Cement.

The Eagle Fun Run Walk Begins.  We went 3 times around the path which is equal to 1.2 miles

Some participants enjoyed breakfast after their run/walk.  Thanks to those who helped in the kitchen.

 The families enjoyed time spent together in fitness activities.  Activities included:  basketball, gunny sacks, hula hoops, ladder golf, playground, hopscotch, jump rope and dodge ball.