Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Highlights from the Eagle Fun Run

Thanks so much to Kimm Lainhart and Leslie Greenhalgh for making this happen.  The weather cooperated and it was a fun day and successful day.  All proceeds from the event will go to support the music program at our school.  If you would still like to donate you can turn your donation in at the office.  Checks payable to RCE PTO.  Thanks for your support.

Below are pictures and highlights from the day. 

The day began with the ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the fitness path.  The path was made possible by a donation from Ash Grove Cement.  Two representatives from Ash Grove, two school board members, our Superintendent, and Mrs. Ware participated in the ribbon cutting.  Members of the Red Cliffs Elementary Student Council were also there.

 Each student at Red Cliffs signed their name on this sign to say Thank You  to Ash Grove Cement.

The Eagle Fun Run Walk Begins.  We went 3 times around the path which is equal to 1.2 miles

Some participants enjoyed breakfast after their run/walk.  Thanks to those who helped in the kitchen.

 The families enjoyed time spent together in fitness activities.  Activities included:  basketball, gunny sacks, hula hoops, ladder golf, playground, hopscotch, jump rope and dodge ball.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Eagle Fun Run wil be Saturday May 21, 2011

The Eagle Fun Run is coming up on Saturday, May 21, 2011.  Bring your families and participate. 

9:00 am --We will have a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new fitness path.  This path was made possible by funds donated by Ash Grove Cement.  Thank you, Ash Grove!
**Following the ribbon cutting will be our 1 mile run/walk. 

9:30 am --  Breakfast
                 If you did not pre order breakfast tickets there will be 30 breakfasts available for purchase that morning on a first come first serve basis.  There was a change from the menu previously outlined.  Breakfast will consist of  cinnamon rolls, sausage, yogurt, juice.

10:15 am -- Family fitness activities begin. 
                  Pass cards will be available for $1 if you did not already preordre them.  If all items get checked off you can receive a prize. 


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9, 2011 Play of the Week

Gaige Ostler, a 3rd grader from Miss Malquist's class is our play of the week.  Gaige noticed that someone had wiped soap on the mirror in the bathroom.  He cleaned it off.  Great job, Gaige!

Good deeds like this happen every day at Red Cliffs Elementary.  These kids are amazing.  Thank you students!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two 4th grade students are the Play of the Week--April 25, 2011

Jalee Jacobson and Taya Williams, two 4th grade students from Mrs. Hanson's class, were the play of the week.  These two girls went to the library during their recess time and offered to help straighten the books on the shelves, making sure they were in the right order.  They were a great help to Mrs. Warner.  Great work, girls!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Summer Bridge is Back!

With summer just around the corner, it is time once again to offer the Summer Bridge Activity Books.  These books are age appropriate and will help your child retain the skills learned this year and prepare them for the grade ahead.
School stops for summer....Learning never should!

This is NOT a fundraiser.  We are only interested in keeping our RCE students at their best.  You only pay for the cost of the book.  The  cost of each book is $9.95.

Fliers were sent home with students with the order form.  If you did not receive one you may pick an order form up at the office.  Orders are due back by Thursday, April 14.  Orders will arrive 3-4 weeks following the order.  Because of this time restraint, no late orders will be accepted. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Play of the Week April 4, 2011

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." ~Douglas Pagels
 The 4 girls chosen for the play of the week are just that--a good friend.  Haylee Foster from Mr. Anderson's 4th grade class, Shayla Edwards from Mrs. Hanson's 4th grade class, and Shayla Nichols and Hadlie Hoffman from Mr. Christensen's 5th grade class were chosen as the play of the week.  Each of these girls were nominated for playing with others when that person didn't have someone else to play with. These girls were each nominated separately so I don't know if they know each other, but it is wonderful to know that we have students like this in our school.  I'm sure there are students like this in every class.  Being a friend helps us soar to success.  Great job girls!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Play of the Week March 21, 2011

Tate Shepherd, a 5th grader in Miss Walker's class and Braylee Shepherd, a 1st grader in Mrs. Wing's class are the play of the week.  A couple weeks ago Mrs. Smalley arrived at school with her book bag, purse, and keys.  She must have dropped her purse as she was getting out of the car and didn't even notice it was gone until Tate and Braylee returned it to her before school started.  Congratulations, Tate and Braylee, for being our play of the week!